Dean Sabinson Guest DJs on WKDU

November 10, 2010

Image of DJ equipment Did you ever wonder what kind of music Dean Sabinson listens to in his free time? Probably not, but for the curious you can sample some of the indie rock, blues and classic rock that the Dean listens to in his car, through his stereo and on his iPhone. The Dean was a disc jockey on his college’s radio station and, in his prior career, he commissioned concerts from the likes of Sting, Billy Joel, Elton John, Willie Nelson, Aretha Franklin, and Hall and Oates. On November 10th from 7- 9 PM the Dean will guest host live on WKDU 91.7 FM, our student-run radio station. Beyond spinning records, the Dean will field questions about our college and talk about upcoming events and happenings at Westphal.

Just before the dean’s show on WKDU 91.7 FM, we’re hosting a VIP meet and greet, station tour and pizza dinner. Eight lucky winners will be able to meet station staff and get an insider’s look at what happens behind the scenes.  If you’re interested in being a college DJ or working in a programming or administrative capacity in radio, then this is a contest you need to win.  To enter the contest, “Like” our Westphal College Facebook fan page, repost our status on your Facebook page and email to let us know. The first 8 students to do so will win a VIP pass and a $20 Gift Card to Landmark Americana Restaurant.