Study Abroad London

November 2, 2010

Photograph of London

Westphal students have a wide array of exciting study abroad options that offer courses of study in London, Prague, Crete, Australia, Ireland, France, Italy and Iceland. Some programs are exclusively for Westphal students and others include students from other Drexel schools and colleges, as well as from universities across the world. In this newsletter we will focus on our London programs.

The Drexel in London program is open to all majors and is offered every term with courses being taught by both Drexel and English faculty. Over three months, students take four courses designed to take advantage of all that London has to offer and go on an impressive number of field trips. Although the Drexel in London program is offered year-round, certain majors do have a specific term that has been pre-selected by their department as the best term to participate. Design & Merchandising students are encouraged to participate the summer term of their junior year. Interior Design and Graphic Design students participate the summer term of their sophomore year, and Music Industry students the spring term of their junior year. The Drexel London Center, operated in partnership with the Foundation for International Education (FIE), is part of FIE's Metrogate Study Center located on Queen's Gate Terrace in London’s posh South Kensington.

The Fashion in London program is open to Fashion Design majors only, during the winter term of their sophomore year. Courses are taught by faculty at the London College of Fashion and are designed to take advantage of London’s strong fashion industry. Westphal students join peers from other U.S. universities in many of their classes, building intercontinental friendships that can last forever. During the winter term at London College of Fashion, students earn 14 credits taking the following courses: European Cultural and Historical studies, Fashion Drawing and Illustration, Designing Footwear, Hand knitting/Embroidery, Fashion Inspiration to Collection - from Paris to London, and European Independent Study Project. While studying at the London College of Fashion students go on a five-day study tour of Paris seeing all of the famous Parisian sights, exploring the important museums and developing their personal sketch books. Laurie Lambertson, who travelled to London last winter posted in her blog, “It’s hard to believe that this term is just about over. Half of me can easily say that I am ready to go home. I am ready to see my family, but the other half of me does not want to leave… ever.  I feel so comfortable walking around pretty much every area and I love how things are done here. This school is unbelievable. The professors and the curriculum are perfect. I was pushed while I was here to find myself as a designer and as a person. I can’t imagine this study abroad experience to be any more rewarding.”

All students that participate in the London programs live in dormitory-style bedrooms in South Kensington, an upscale London neighborhood. The living is operated by the Foundation for International Educations and includes a shared kitchen on each floor, private bathrooms and a common area on the ground floor. We encourage students to start planning early if they are thinking about studying abroad. Click here for more information about the London programs including eligibility requirements, expenses and scholarships.