
May 28, 2010

unearthedImpressive student choreography will be paired with work by some of Philadelphia’s finest professional choreographers in our final dance concert of the season. The concert, titled Unearthed, plays three performances from Thursday, June 3rd through Saturday, June 5th at 8 PM in the Mandell Theater.  Unearthed, whose meaning is meant to signify the deeper truths that become visible upon further exploration, will include works by eight student choreographers along with work by former Paul Taylor Dance Company member Ruth Andrien and Drexel dance faculty members Olive Prince and Moncell Durden.

Student works range from an autobiographical solo by Jesse Rathner to Lauren Hotz’s large-scale modern work performed by 24 dancers. Ruth Andrien’s modern dance revolves around the concept of water becoming purified danced to the accompaniment of an original score by Mike Ford. Dance Professor Olive Prince, director of Olive Prince Dance, will present the new work “Inside a House,” exploring movement development and responses to nature and personal connections. Philadelphia-based choreographer, dancer and educator Moncell “ill Kozby” Durden will present “Cifra en El Barrio” (Cypher in the Ghetto). With music by Isolee and George Benson, this work pays homage to nights Mr. Durden spent at a famous night club where the dance floor was blessed by a Yoruba priest.

Tickets to the dance concert are $5 for student and $8 for general admission. They can be purchased at www.danceboxoffice.com.

The Dance Program will also be hosting a show and discussion of works-in-progress by the professional dance companies in residence on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 3 PM. in Mandell Theater.The companies in residence this year are Carbon Dance Theatre, Olive Prince Dance and SCRAP Performance Group. This event is free and open to the Drexel community and the public. Reservations are requested. To RSVP, visit http://www.drexelresidance.com.

Event Facts:
What: Spring Dance Concert
Where:  Mandell Theater, 33rd & Chestnut Sts, Drexel University
When:Thursday, June 3rd through Saturday, June 5th; 8 PM
Cost: $8 General Admission; $5 Students
Advance Tickets: www.danceboxoffice.com
More Information:  215-895-ARTS or visit www.drexel.edu/westphal