Hope. Act. Change.

May 28, 2010

young boy looking over a fenceWe’ve been talking about art as an agent for social change with the Ni Una Mas (Not One More): The Juarez Murders exhibition on campus at the new Leonard Pearlstein Gallery (www.drexel.edu/ Juarez). So we were delighted to learn that Monica Manklang, a recent Westphal alumna, had already moved forward on her own proiect to promote social change through art. She started an organization, Art To Save the World, which works with all manners of artists in the Philadelphia area and encourages them to use their talents to benefit our local and world communities. Art To Save the World’s next event is Benefit for Baghdad on June 18th at 8 PM at Studio 34 in West Philadelphia. Join the organization for a night of art and music where a variety of art pieces will be available for purchase to benefit The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation, which promotes conflict resolution and reconciliation in the Middle East.  To learn more about Art to Save the World and Benefit for Baghdad click here.