Best of Interior Design

May 14, 2010

Rendering of the interior of a library

The Interior Design senior show highlights the best work our graduating seniors have produced. Visitors to the Center for Architecture (12th and Arch Streets) will see an assortment of stellar floor plans for residential and commercial spaces, furniture and housewear prototypes and textiles patterns that may cover a sofa or a table someday soon. The senior show will be Friday, May 21st at 5 PM with a reception for interior design alumni preceding the show at 4 PM. Work from all 26 graduating seniors along with successful work from courses such as senior thesis, commercial and residential studio, hospitality studio and furniture design will be on display along with photography and other 3-D projects.

The Interior Design senior class of 2010 has also started a program with suppliers and their first “Senior Choice Awards” will be presented. Products from manufacturers of textiles, furniture and building products were evaluated by our senior class for their quality and design style as well as the manufacturer's willingness to work with students. The class identified 20 firms to receive “Senior Choice Awards” and those firms will be honored at the show. The senior class will be welcoming friends, family, professionals, alumni, and faculty, so please come out and enjoy our Interior Design students’ impressive work. 

Event Facts:
What: Interior Design Senior Show
Where: The Center for Architecture, 12th and Arch Sts.
When: Friday, May 21; 5 PM
Cost: Free and open to the public
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