Judith Bing Retiring

June 9, 2010

 Judith Bing, Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture & Interiors, is retiring after 22 years of faculty service.  Judy has been teaching studio design in the 2 + 4 Option in Architecture since its inception in 1993.  She has given this unique program its basic form in studio design and has successfully launched generations of Drexel students on their architectural careers.  Judy taught lecture and seminar courses on the History of Modern Architecture and Vernacular Architecture and served as Northeast Director & Board member of ACSA (2002-2005).  She was also co-chair of the successful ACSA 2007 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia which Drexel co-sponsored.  

Judy’s research has focused on the traditional architecture of the Balkans. She has published articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, conference presentations and exhibitions, and completed Chardak, Between Heaven and Earth: Tracing Vernacular Space in Balkan Architecture. Upon retirement she will move to coastal Maine where she and her husband built a home.  She will continue her research with the aspiration of having her manuscript published in the near future.