New Majors for New Media

July 13, 2010

digital render of the inside of a computerTo address the rapidly growing impact of new media on entertainment, education, and industry, the Digital Media Program in the Department of Cinema and Television will be launching three new undergraduate majors - Animation & Visual Effects, Game Art & Production, and Web Development.  The new majors will launch in September 2011.  The curricula for these three majors will provide a comprehensive foundation of design and technology, core courses in all aspects of digital media, a six month coop, and rigorous coursework in the areas of specialization to best prepare students for the demands of careers in these cutting-edge disciplines.

The field of animation and visual effects has expanded to encompass every area of media that is used in entertainment, education, and industry.  The new major in Animation & Visual Effects will give students the technological, story-telling and design skills to succeed as animators and visual effects artists.  Students will learn such software as Maya and Renderman, as well as the use of our motion capture studio.

The gaming industry has grown from primarily a source of entertainment to one that also encompasses the use of “serious gaming,” where gaming technologies are used to address societal needs.  To complement the creative focus of the new Game Art & Production Major, a sister concentration in Game Programming and Development will be offered in Computer Science.  The Princeton Review recently ranked Drexel’s Gaming Program as number three nationally.

The internet’s explosive rise as the dominant communications medium has been accompanied by an ever-increasing level of sophistication in the content and applications used by individuals and businesses. Today, content is fully interactive and dynamic.  The new Web Development Major will help students understand both the aesthetics of content development for online platforms and the server-side technologies that drive the content.

Chris Redman will be the Program Director for all our Digital Media offerings which include these three exciting new majors as well as the Digital Media Masters and Certificate Programs. The faculty for the majors includes Glen Muschio, Ted Artz, Dr. Paul Diefenbach, Jervis Thompson, Troy Finamore and Dave Mauriello.