Big Wins for Graphic Design

August 24, 2010

green seven eleven package designThe Graphic Design program has had four wins in Crescent Hill Books’ international publication, The Big Book of Packaging. The Big Book of Packaging will feature the best national and international package designs, with a large section devoted to eco-friendly packaging.

Published by HarperCollins/ Rockport, the 384-page hardcover publication will be distributed in over 20 countries in spring 2011. Our students winning designs are particularly significant because The Big Book of Packaging was originally intended to be strictly professional work without any student work included in the judging. With these wins included, the graphic design program has won 45 awards in the past academic year. Congratulations to our winning students Jenna Navitsky, Cariese Bartholomew, Michael Valentine, Joey Krietemeyer and their faculty advisers. 

7-11 Rebranding and Packaging
Student Designer: Jenna Navitsky
Course: Senior Thesis
Instructor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Chanel Circus packaging
Student Designer: Cariese Bartholomew
Course: 3D Design & Packaging
Instructor: Jody Graff

Learn to Play the Harmonica packaging
Student Designer: Michael Valentine
Course: 3D Design & Packaging
Instructor: Jody Graff