Annual Design Charrette

April 9, 2010

Design Charrette Logo with teal background

The Department of Architecture and Interiors will hold the 3rd annual interdisciplinary design charrette, Urban Connection, from April 9th -12th. The charrette will begin with a panel presentation on urban transportation and street furniture by prominent civic leaders on Friday, April 9th at 6 PM in Stein Auditorium. The panel includes Andrew Stober, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Mayor’s Office: Transportation & Utilities; Rachel Vassar, Outreach Coordinator, Penn Future; Byron Comati, Director of Strategic Planning and Analysis, SEPTA and Paul Curci, Publisher, Philadelphia City Paper.

The 2010 design charrette will challenge students to rethink public and urban transportation while taking into account differing modes of transport, universal accessibility, sustainable and energy efficient design, hubs for commuter transfers, site and community in the city of Philadelphia. A dedicated website with additional information is accessible here.

Over the weekend, students from all majors will work in teams to develop design solutions for public transportation shelters in Philadelphia.  Final presentations will be given by the student teams starting at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 12th in the Main Building (4th floor architecture studios). 

Schedule of Charrette Events:
Friday, April 9
6:00pm - Public Panel Discussion: “Urban Transportation and Street Furniture”
Stein Auditorium, Nesbitt Hall
3215 Market Street

Saturday, April 10 & Sunday, April 11
All day work session for teams
4th Floor, Main Building

Monday, April 12
6:00 - 9:00pm - Final Presentation of Design Work and Reception
4th Floor, Main Building, 3141 Chestnut Street