Time for Submissions: Research Day 2010

April 15, 2010

Blue and Green Research Day 2010 Logo with blue drexel dragon

Drexel’s annual Research Day is coming up quickly and, as usual, our College hopes to be a major participant. Abstracts of your proposed project (a short description of your project) are due no later than Monday, March 8th. They can be electronically submitted via drexel.edu/researchday

Research Day is a chance for all Drexel students to showcase their research and creative work in the arts, humanities, sciences and engineering. Still, it’s no surprise that our students’ research often looks different. This year Westphal students will present animations and video games, film and video, dance performances, and a variety of presentations on design in different formats. Research Day is Thursday, April 15th.

We also encourage you to come out to see the Daskalakis Athletic Center overflowing with impressive student work from 11 AM-3 PM on 4/15. For more information, visit drexel.edu/researchday or email researchday@drexel.edu.