World Class Music in the Dorms

October 20, 2009

The Philadelphia Orchestra LogoThe first of four concerts with players from The Philadelphia Orchestra is Tuesday, October 27th at 7 PM in the Van Rensselear dormitory's ballroom featuring Chris Deviney on percussion and Daniel Han playing violin. This unique evening of music will allow you to be closer to world class musicians than you've ever been and you'll have the chance to ask Chris and Daniel questions following the performance. Food will be served starting at 6 PM, so come catch some dinner and enjoy a great concert by Philadelphia Orchestra musicians. Pajamas and sweats are appropriate attire.

The Westphal College, Pennoni Honors College and Student Life sponsor the Campus Concert Series, bringing classical music to Drexel free of charge and free of the formality of a concert hall. The concerts qualify as an Honors College event.


  • Philadelphia Orchestra Campus Concert
  • Tuesday, October 27, 7 PM
  • Van Rensselear Ballroom (3320 Powelton Ave.)
  • Free and open to the public
  • For more information, call 215-895-1029