Poster Contest

November 9, 2009

Calling all Westphal student designers! Whether you're a music industry, architecture or graphic design student, here's your chance to design a new poster for the Westphal College. Design entries must include ‘The Westphal College of Media Arts & Design' and the college URL, To choose the winning poster design, we're going about it democratically and letting you decide. We'll post all of the entries on our website and allow you to vote. Poster designs are due Friday December 4th and voting will begin in the winter term. The winning poster will be hung proudly throughout the college, and the winning student will receive $50 to spend at either Utrecht or Pearl Paint. Email your jpg files: one thumbnail image measuring 53x53 pixels and one full size image measuring no bigger than 1600x1200 pixels to contest organizer, our USGA representative, Alexandra Weiss and good luck!