Ink not Ink-Through May 9th

May 1, 2009

You have until May 9th to see Ink not Ink, the largest exhibition of Chinese art ever presented at Drexel University, in its only stop in the United States. Watch this video to learn more about the exhibition that features nearly 100 paintings, prints, sculptures and videos, the work of 40 contemporary Chinese artists including the acclaimed Wenda Gu, Wei Quingji and Lin Tianmiao. The exhibit is up at The Bossone Research Center and the Paul Peck Alumni Center. The centerpiece of the exhibit is Wenda Gu's UN Man & Space 2000, a replica of the flags of the world, made entirely of human hair collected over nine years by thousands of volunteers from each country whose flag is represented. Ink Not Ink is free and open to the public seven days a week from 10 AM to 5 PM.

Drexel University's presentation of the exhibition was made possible through the generous support of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, the Marketing Division of the Ministry of Culture of the P. R. of China, the Shenzhen Foundation of Cultural Promotion and Development, Beijing Zhongwenfa International Cultural Exchange Co. Ltd, Continental Airlines and HSBC. Ink Not Ink was co-curated by Dr. Joseph Gregory, Department Head of Art & Art History, and Drexel Trustee Abbie Dean.