First Person Arts-Call For Entries

June 11, 2009

William Kunsler: Disturbing the Universe

Julia Sickler is a sophomore Entertainment & Arts Management student currently interning at First Person Arts, a Philadelphia-based organization whose goal is to support the development of new memoir and documentary work and create opportunities for the work to be seen across the nation. As part of her internship (her ninth and she is only 19), Julia works on promotion, audience development and occasionally media design. She brought to our attention that the organization is holding a national documentary competition, First Person in America: In These Hard Times. They'reseeking the best videos, photographs and stories describing how individuals and communities are managing during today's economic times. Due by June 30th, submissions should capture idiosyncratic things that are happening where you live - the slices of life that, taken together, will give us a First Person picture of America in 2009 - the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Finalists will be featured on the First Person Arts website and at the First Person Festival of Memoir and Documentary Art in November. First place winners will be invited to the festival and a cash prize will be awarded to the best story. Click here for guidelines and details.