Senior Graphic Design

June 1, 2009

Our Graphic Design seniors create designs for corporate identities, books and publications, packaging, paper sculptures, motion graphics and environmental signage. These visual communications will be showcased at their Senior Show on Wednesday, June 10th from 6 PM -9 PM in the Bossone 3rd floor Atrium. Among the work will be Yesenia Perez-Cruz, Nicole Doenges and Allison Fegan's "Mapping Modernism' exhibition designs which won first place, third place and an honorable mention respectively in the COLLAB student competition, and Kevin Dietrich's "Berry & Homer Digital Printing' logo, a winner in the Trademarks + Logos category in the American Corporate Identity 24 Annual. Tristine Harding will display her identity for "Split Pea Restaurant,' which was included in the Creativity 38 hard cover book.

This show is an opportunity to see the stunning work of our students and to meet the designers: Chelsea Meyer, Maggie Ruder, Amanda Friend, Katie Rice, Adrian Jimenez, Akira Latanzio, Allison Bacall, Anne Trencher, Becky Dinorscia, Brandon Good, Bryan Howell, Cariese Bartholomew, Chris McCann, Courtney Remm, Dante Molino, Deb Bobich, Dheyvi Velagapudi, Emily Ballas, Felicia Cornish, Gary Brooks, Hilary Getz, Jason Lafleur, Joe Biaselli, Joey Krietemeyer, John Dunn, Kat Findley, Kate Bodnar, Lauren Laszlo, Lauren Park, Matthew Johnson, Mike Valentine, Nick Chirchirillo, Nicole Doenges, Robert Zwahlen, Sara Sidransky, Sarah Cliff, Sasha McCune, Stephanie Lipartito and Veronica Lopez.