Interior Architecture & Design Graduate Show

June 1, 2009

The Philadelphia city government's Office of Arts and Culture's Art in City Hall provides exhibition space to Philadelphia's artists, and our Interior Architecture & Design Graduate Program students are availing themselves of this historic City Hall space for their Graduate Show from June 18th through July 17th. An opening reception will be on June 18th from 5-8 PM on the 5th floor of City Hall (Northeast entrance).

Lauren Pinot designed The Eco-Retreat Center, an educational facility that promotes sustainable design and introduces ecological design practices; Kara Lindstrom will display her plans for "Philadelphia Underground: Revitalizing the Broad Street Pedestrian Concourse'; Tara McGeehan submitted "The Silver Lining,' a multi-functional modern passenger train designed to provide a unique travel experience focused on the concept of "journey'; and Debra Lee's design was for a Modular Office Pod (MOP), a free-standing contained space designed to address the changing lifestyle of the 21st century shaped by technology and its impact on the mobile workplace.

The other participating students are: Jeeti Bhayani, Christine Celmer, Sarah Costanza, Susan Forscht, Jennifer Ladutko, Jenny Martin, Lisa Menendez, Moyun Niu, Catherine Russo, Sandy Ryan, Noelle Via and Michelle Ward. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM - 6 PM. For more information on Art in City Call, click here.