Art for Arts Administrators

February 20, 2009

The Arts Administration Graduate Program's 6th Annual Art Auction, a reception and silent auction, on March 6th at 7 PM in the Bossone Lobby and Atrium (3128 Market St.) serves as a fundraiser so that students can participate in Americans for the Arts' Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. In these troubled economic times, the arts need our support more than ever, so please donate your paintings, sculptures or drawings so that our Arts Administration students can remind our legislators to not forget this important need.

Each year, the silent auction offers a wide variety of art, crafts, and tickets to numerous Philadelphia-region cultural attractions to the highest bidder. Admission to the reception is $10 with a Drexel student ID and $15 for general admission and includes cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and credentials for bidding. Please E-mail if you're interesting in donating artwork, which we'll be accepting right up until March 6th.