One Water

April 1, 2009

One Water, an award-winning documentary filmed in 15 countries, celebrates the earth's relationship to water and uses video, local music and commentary to show the fragility of this precious resource. One Water will be screened on Thursday, April 9th at 7 PM in the Bossone Auditorium, followed by a panel discussion on water conservation in large cities with experts including the films' writer, director and producer, Sanjeev Chatterjee; Brady Russell, Eastern Pennsylvania Director at Clean Water Action; and Kristen Cevoli, environmental attorney and an associate at PEW Environmental Group.

One Water has won Best Cinematography Award and Honorable Mention, Documentary Feature, Fargo Film Festival, North Dakota; Best Documentary, Foyle Film Festival, Ireland; and Best Film on Sustainable Development, Cinemambiente 2008, Turin, Italy. One Water is being presented in partnership with the LeBow College of Business, the College of Engineering, Drexel Green, and the Drexel Sierra Club. For more information on One Water, please click here.

The filming of One Water was a six-year collaborative project involving the University of Miami's School of Communication, College of Engineering and Frost School of Music. "The intention of making One Water was not to provide audiences with easy answers or solutions to the world's water crisis,' says Sanjeev Chatterjee, who is also the Vice Dean of the School of Communication and Executive Director of the Knight Center for International Media. "Rather, we wanted to show the world's profound connection to water. We wanted to tell visually evocative stories that would immerse everyone in human experiences relating to water. As filmmakers we see ourselves as facilitators of dialogue and catalysts for positive change.'