Message from the Dean

April 1, 2009

At Drexel, our system of quarters and year-round classes means new terms come fast and furious. Ten week terms create a dizzying and productive array of classes, assignments, exams and creative projects, with a performance or event almost every night, followed by a pressure-filled week of finals and critiques, a week off to rest and recuperate, and then time to start again. It's hard not to be impressed by our students' hard work and dedication and the faculty and staff who are committed to supporting them. Together, we accomplish amazing things.

The spring term is always our busiest and we've assembled an impressive lineup. This week, we open Ink not Ink, the largest art exhibition ever presented at Drexel featuring over eighty works of contemporary Chinese art from 40 different artists. Steve Sabol, President of NFL Films, will come and speak to students interested in sports and the media. This year's Mandell Professionals in Residence Project will feature the world premiere of Ego Po's theatrical production of The Bluebird with a cast including many of our students and the music of Orchestra 2001, arranged by composer George Crumb. Bud Konheim, founder and CEO of Nicole Miller, is this year's Design & Merchandising Program's Distinguished Speaker. Brilliant independent film maker Mike Figgis will be spending a several day residency on campus. We'll host the Philadelphia premiere of Objectified, Gary Hustwit's film about manufactured objects and the people who design them. The Dance Program will host the Smithsonian traveling exhibition The Dancer Within, a who's who of premier dance photographs by Rose Eichenbaum. And let's not forget this year's Fashion shows at the Philadelphia Navy Yards' Urban Outfitters Headquarters, or the dazzling student work in the Photography, Graphic Design, Digital Media, Interior Design and Film & Video Senior Shows.

We're all grateful that winter's at an end and for the longer and warmer days that accompany the spring. Now, we hope you come out to see some of our students' incredible work and some of the varied events we're bringing to Drexel.