Divided We Fall

April 10, 2009

The nation's first post 9-11 hate crime was committed on September 15, 2001 when Balbir Singh Sodhi, a turbaned Sikh man in Phoenix, Arizona, was shot and killed in front of his gas station. With a research grant, video camera, and accompanied by her 18 year-old cousin, Valerie Kaur set out across the country with questions for Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews and countless other Americans in her four month search for the heart of America. The Westphal College, the Office of Multicultural Education and Outreach, and the Asbury Ministry are sponsoring a screening of Kaur's award winning Divided We Fall: America in the Aftermath on Friday, April 17th at 4:30 PM in Stein Auditorium, 125 Nesbitt Hall, followed by a Q&A session with Kaur. The screening is being presented as part of the weeklong Drexel World Fusion Fest. For more information on World Fusion Fest, click here.