The Mandell Theater Becomes a Jumping Joint:

March 3, 2008


Jazz up your evening with the 9th Annual Jazz Extravaganza featuring the Drexel Jazz Orchestra and Jazztet in concert with the nationally-renowned all female Spelman College Jazz Ensemble. Join us on Thursday, March 13th at 8 PM in the Mandell Theater.

Under the direction of Prof. Joseph Jennings, the Spelman ensemble has extensively toured the United States and has shared stages with jazz greats Wynton Marsalis and Consuela Lee. The Drexel University Jazz Orchestra and Jazztet, directed by Dr. George Starks, will perform the sounds of Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Billy Strayhorn, Charles Mingus and more. This free concert always packs the house so be sure to get there early for this swinging show.


  • Ninth Annual Jazz Extravaganza
  • Thursday, March 13, 8:00 PM
  • Mandell Theater, (33rd and Chestnut Sts.)
  • FREE Admission
  • Information: 215-895-ARTS