
June 3, 2006


June 1, 2, & 3 @ 8pm

The Drexel University Dance Ensemble will present a concert of exciting choreography inspired by the concept of progressive thought, learning, and performance in their spring concert entitled Progression to be performed Thursday, June 1st through Saturday, June 3rd at 8pm in the Mandell Theater.

Progression features ten new works choreographed by a mix of faculty, students, and guest artists; including Drexel Alumna Toni Johnson and dance faculty member Stephen Welsh. Over 40 Drexel graduate and undergraduate students will perform in this exciting concert that covers a range of dance styles, including hip-hop, jazz, tap and modern dance.

Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for general admission and can be reserved by calling 215-895-ARTS. For more information please all 215-895-4914. All performances take place in the Mandell Theater, located on Drexel University's Main Campus at 33rd and Chestnut Streets.