Student Fashion Designers Detail Paris Triumphs
January 11, 2006
Pictured: Pierre Cardin, President of the Fashion Jury with Megan Stein and her model on the runway of the Carrousel du Louvre.
Nesbitt Hall, Stein Auditorium
Wednesday, January 11th at 6:00PM.
Concours International Des Jeunes Createurs de Mode Grand Prize winner Megan Stein and fellow AWCoMAD Fashion Design students Ann Burton, Mia Murphy, Jung Soo Lee, and Lisa Hutchison discuss their unprecendented successes at the prestigious competition which was held in December in Paris, France.
170 students from 17 different countries competed in Paris and Grand Prize winner Megan Stein was the first American to ever win the top prize which included a schorlarship of $3000 Euros, round trip airfare to Paris and a state of the art sewing machine. Megan and her fellow AWCoMAD students first competed this past November in San Francisco against students from 43 other American universities. Ms. Stein, Ms. Burton, Ms. Murphy, Ms. Lee and Ms. Hutchison represented half of the American contingent selected in San Francisco.
The Concours is sponsored by the Arts of Fashion Foundation and this year's theme was "ART + FASHION + INDUSTRY." The Drexel contingent in Paris was headed by faculty adviser Renee Chase, Program Director of AWCoMAD's Fashion Design Program.
This evening with the CONCOURS winners is part of Emil DeJohn's ASPECTS OF FASHION & MERCHANDISING class and the entire Drexel community is warmly invited to attend.