TV Management Program Hosts Industry Leaders

February 13, 2006

The MS/MBA Program in Television Management has announced its speakers for the winter term Colloquium Series. High level TV industry professionals, including the director of sales for XM Satellite Radio, the CEO of a New York media strategy company, and the senior director of business development for ABC Enhanced Television, will provide their insights to students and others interested in the business.

  • TV Management Colloquium Series
  • All sessions held in University Crossings, Room 027
  • 6-9pm
  • Monday, Feb 13th: Jonathan Bokor, Senior Director, Business Development and Sales, WDIG/ABC Enhanced Television, New York
  • Monday, Feb 27th: Will Chapman, Director of Sales, XM Satellite Radio, Philadelphia Region
  • Monday, March 6th: Bill Rosenblatt, Founder and CEO, Giant Steps (Media Technology Strategies), New York

For information: Howard Homonoff, 215-895-2408,