Drexel Players Studio Productions Present SubUrbia

December 1, 2005

On December 1, 2 and 3 at 7pm, the Drexel Players Studio will present SubUrbia, a production depicting the lives of friends in the early 20s, gathering together to relive the past and to dream of a way to get out of Suburbia. Tensions mount as the night goes on, and when the next day dawns, some of the group have found a way out, while the rest are left to deal with a tragedy. A familiar story for many young adults who have struggled, or witnessed loved ones struggle, to gain independence and get out of their parents' version of "The American Dream". This production contains strong language and sexual content.

  • SubUrbia by Eric Bogosian
  • December 1, 2, 3 @ 7pm
  • All shows presented in the Ballroom of the Van Rensselaer Resident Hall
  • 3320 Powelton Ave
  • FREE
  • For more info: 215.895.1920