Award-Winning Graphic Designers

January 24, 2013


The Graphic Design program has won their first awards in 2013 with six winners and two runners up in Creative Quarterly 30, the art and design magazine. Creative Quarterly Competitions are open to all art directors, graphic designers, photographers, illustrators and artists from across the world. Our winning students’ work will appear in the Spring 2013 issue of Creative Quarterly as well as in their online gallery. Mark Willie, Graphic Design Professor, also had two wins in Creative Quarterly 30; an award for his Westphal Recruitment poster and an honorable mention for the promotional poster he created for Westphal’s Polish Poster Exhibition. The program also had three winners in the Graphic Design USA/American Graphic Design Awards, a four-decade-old flagship competition open to everyone in the graphic arts community. The competitionhonors outstanding new work of all kinds in 23 categories from print and packaging to internet and interactive design. With these recent wins, the Graphic Design Program has won an impressive 29 Awards, 4 Honorable Mentions, and 2 Runners Up, all in this academic year.

If you have graphic design needs, you should know that you too can work with award-winning student graphic designers. Under the supervision of Professor Mark Willie, graphic design students run the Graphics Group, a full-service design agency that takes on client commissions from many corners of Drexel University and other important clients such as the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. The Graphics Group provides our students professional work experiences, and the revenues generated from commissions go to both the students and to fund theGraphic Design Senior Show. The Graphics Group recently completed the Academy of Natural Sciences gift calendar for the second year in a row Designed by Lauren Beltramo, Graphic Design senior, the calendar makes great use of images from the Academy’s collection of over 18 million objects. To see the calendar, please click here and if you would like to hire the Graphics Group or see further examples of their work, please visit their website at

Creative Quarterly 30

6 winners:
Project: Piercing – book jacket design
Student Designer: Allison Chang
Course: Senior book design
Instructor: Mark Willie

Project: American Gods book jacket design
Student Designer: Joseph Weidman
Course: Senior book design
Instructor: Mark Willie

Project: M.C. Escher – artist quote poster
Student Designer: Luis Quevedo
Course: Visual Communications One
Instructor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Project: Bret Easton Ellis Complete Box Set
Student Designer: Catherine Lewandowski
Course: Senior Thesis
Instructor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Project: Solomon Newman: Savile RowBespoke tailors
Student Designer: Samson Mshelia
Course: Senior Thesis
Instructor: Shushi Yoshinaga

Project: Yohji Yamamoto – artist catalog
Student Designer: Allison Pfiffner
Course: Senior Book Design
Instructor: Rosemary Murphy

2 runners up:
Project: The Secret History – book jacket design
Student Designer: Herbie Hickmott
Course: Book Design
Instructor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Project: Knockdown Tea Packaging
Student Designer: Alexa Lareau
Course: Visual Communications 6
Instructor: Jody Graff

Graphic Design USA/American Graphic Design Awards

3 winners:
Project: Berwyn School of the Arts recruitment packet
Student Designer: Laura DiSanto
Course: Senior Thesis
Advisor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Project: Rainforest book series andposters
Student Designer: Caroline Laschenski
Course: Senior Thesis
Advisor: E. June Roberts-Lunn

Project: Yohji Yamamoto Artist Catalog
Student Designer: Allison Pfiffner
Course: Senior Book Design
Advisor: Rosemary Murphy