Graphic Design Shines

May 17, 2012


The Graphic Design program continues to impress with a string of recent wins in national and international design competitions. Katie Morton, a recent Graphic Design alumna, won a gold award in the Graphis New Talent Annual 2012 for her senior thesis project entitled, “The Evolution of the Kimono.” Shushi Yoshinaga, Graphic Design Professor, was her senior thesis advisor. Images of the work will be featured in the upcoming hardcover book. It is a tremendous distinction to win a gold in this highly selective graphic design competition.

The Graphic Design Program won five awards in The American Package Design Awards. Graphic Design USA invited thousands of creative professionals who have been part of its national competitions over four decades with a goal of spotlighting areas of growth and opportunity for graphic designers, recognizing the best work being done, and emphasizing the value of design to business and society. The American Package Design Awards is the fastest growing of these programs. Winners will be included in the GDUSA American Package Design Awards Annual that appears in print and online, seen by 100,000+ graphics, marketing and business decision makers. The list of the winners is below.

The program also garnered three awards from the Graphic Design USA InHouse Design competition for college promotional material: a College recruitment poster designed by Graphic Design Professor Mark Willie, a calendar for the Academy of Natural Sciences designed by Catherine Lewandowski and photographed by Cora Rivera, and a poster design for our Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China exhibition designed by recent alumnus Evan Raisner. The award-winning work will be reproduced in the design annual and posted on the Graphic Design USA website. Two students also won awards in the Creative Quarterly 27 and their work will be included in the summer 2012 issue of CQ27. Abigail Zug won for her Cannery Row Book Jacket, and Caroline Laschenski for her American Typewriter Typeface Poster.

Sandy Stewart, Academic Associate Dean and Graphic Design Professor, won a Silver Award in the 2012 Summit International Creative Award competition for the 2011 Holiday Card she designed for Pearl Pressman Liberty Communications Group. The Westphal College view book also received a Silver Award. The view book was designed by Graphic Design alumna Caitlin Guendelsberger, under the direction of Sandy Stewart. This year’s Summit International Awards received thousands of entries from 20 countries.

As you may recall, the Graphic Design program had a huge number of wins in the 27th Annual American Graphic Design & Advertising Awards. Our students' work received 25 awards including Best of Category in Packaging. AGDA 27 has just released the web link with all of our winning work included. Click here to view the work. Congratulations to the Graphic Design program’s students and faculty for receiving these many awards and recognition.

GDUSA American Package Design Awards

  • Project: Aveda
  • Student Designer: Kathryn Venvertloh
  • Course: Three Dimensional Design/Packaging
  • Instructor: Jody Graff

  • Project: National Audubon Society, Birdwatching Kit
  • Student Designer: Stephanie Miller
  • Course: Three Dimensional Design/Packaging
  • Instructor: Jody Graff

  • Project: Verde
  • Student Designer: April Moralba
  • Course: Three Dimensional Design/Packaging
  • Instructor: Jody Graff

  • Project: Panacea, Home Remedies
  • Student Designer: Stephanie Miller
  • Course: Senior Thesis Project
  • Instructor: Mark Willie

  • Project: Herbs, Grow Your Own Herbs
  • Student Designer: Nicole DuCoin
  • Course: Three Dimensional Design/Packaging
  • Instructor: Jody Graff