Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Director: Niels Arden Oplev

April 28, 2012

The Pennsylvania Film Industry Association (PaFIA) and the Westphal College will host a special event with featured guest speaker, Niels Arden Oplev, Director of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), based on the book from Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. The event will be on May 6th at 6 PM in Bossone’s Mitchell Auditorium (3140 Market St.) and is hosted by the Kal and Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies.

Mr. Oplev will discuss his life as a filmmaker/artist and show clips from his films The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, We Shall Overcome, Portland, and Worlds Apart. Mr. Oplev will also discuss his current project Dead Man Down starring Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace, which will be shooting in Philadelphia this spring.

The film Mænd der hader kvinder/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was Mr. Oplev’s fifth feature film. The film is the best-selling Scandinavian film ever, best-selling European film in 2009, and is the only Scandinavian film ever to reach more than 100 million dollars in the box office. The film opened in the UK, USA, Japan and Australia in 2010. The Film received three nominations from the European Film Academy, won The People’s Choice Award at the Palm Springs Film Festival, the People’s Choice Award at Portland Film Festival in Oregon, and won Best film, Best Leading Actress, and People’s Choice Award at the Swedish Film Awards. It most recently won the Critics Choice Award in Los Angeles and The BAFTA for Best Film, not in English Language. 

The May 6th event is a PaFIA membership event with free admission for members and $5 for students with a Drexel ID. The $5 can be applied toward a PaFIA Student Membership, which is $20, if joining at the event. For non-members, membership applications will be available at the door or you can join online prior to the event. For more information about PaFIA and to join, visit