Our First Fashion Friday!

October 03, 2013

Fashion FridayDue to strong interest in our Drexel Historic Costume Collection (DHCC), we are launching quarterly, full-day “Fashion Fridays” events with educational seminars on fashion history and a specialized viewing of this amazing collection of more than 12,000 garments and accessories worn by such notables as Greta Garbo, Babe Paley and Princess Grace. The first DHCC Fashion Friday event will be held Friday, October 25th from 9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the URBN Center (3501 Market St., Philadelphia) with a seminar on the History of 1920s Fashion. Tickets for the full-day event cost $100 for the full day, including lunch. Drexel alumni can purchase tickets for a discount price of $85. All proceeds to benefit the Drexel Historic Costume Collection. 

Click here to purchase tickets!

The History of 1920s Fashion seminar, by DHCC Curator Clare Sauro, takes an extended look at the fashions of the jazz age – a period when fashionable women abandoned the restrictive clothing styles of previous generations. Fashions from this era have become popular again thanks to hit TV shows Downton Abbey and Boardwalk Empire and films such as The Great Gatsby.  

Clare Sauro says, “Hundreds of students and researchers visit the DHCC each year. Although the DHCC makes every effort to accommodate guests, access to the collection is limited and up-to-now has so far been by appointment only. These Fashion Fridays seminars are an attempt to accommodate this growing interest in the DHCC and share the collection with the public in a deeper, more meaningful capacity.”