Media, Technology & Dance

March 09, 2010

Evans teaches female dancer on blue and yellow checkered floorClyde Evans is a pioneer in fusing new media and technology with dance. Evans, one of this year's Rankin Scholar-in-Residence, is a local hip-hop dancer, choreographer and founder of CHOSEN Dance Company. He showcased his talents and challenged students during a three-day Performance Charrette April 9th -11th. Together, students and Evans explored the use of media and technology to learn and teach hip-hop dance through workshops and a lecture, culminating in a performance on April 11th at 4 PM in the Mandell Theater.

The Charrette began Friday, April 9th at 2 PM with a lecture by Evans and Tony Franklin from Philadelphia’s High School of the Future. They discussed Evan’s collaboration with the school to audition dancers and teach choreography via the Internet utilizing Microsoft’s Surface computer and 360 degree cameras for a performance proposal to the NFL for the 2011 Super Bowl halftime show. At the conclusion of the lecture, Evans presented participants with a creative problem that he designed with Dance professor Olive Price.  

Students spent weekend working with artists Manfred Fischbeck of Group Motion Dance Company, Amanda Miller from Miro Dance Theater and Ted Artz from our Digital Media Program. Participants’ solutions comprised the material for the April 11th performance. The Performance Charret was open to all students interested in dance, technology and computer and electrical engineering.