Performance Charette
4/7/2013 12:00:00 AM
Students from the College’s dance, digital media, music, photography, fashion, as well as students from the College of Engineering have cleared their calendars for this upcoming weekend – not as an opportunity to catch up on studies (or sleep), but to prepare for a rather unique artistic presentation known as the “Performance Charette,” set to take place Sunday, April 7 at 6 P.M. in Westphal’s new dance studio in Room 418 of the Main Building.
The students participating will spend the entire weekend working together in teams, with a specific set of guidelines to create a new dance and media performance. This year’s theme, “Dig – the memory of everything,” explores the cycles and history of people, places and events. Photography students will document the entire experiment and present a small, exhibition of images to accompany the April 7 performance. We welcome you to see the results of this creative multimedia mash-up, which is free and open to the public.