Drexel Architecture Receives Zero Energy Design Designation from Department of Energy

10/17/2023 10:36:52 AM

We are excited to announce that Drexel University’s Bachelor’s of Architecture is among 22 programs from 14 institutions nationwide to receive a U.S. Department of Energy Zero Energy Design Designation (ZEDD). This designation recognizes college programs that prepare students for 21stcentury clean energy buildings careers.

The Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Design Designation program distinguishes post-secondary academic programs that teach best practices of zero energy design and require students to apply those concepts in zero energy design projects. The designation lasts for three years, after which programs may apply to renew.

This designation is a testament to the Department of Architecture, Design & Urbanism’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions, teaching sustainable citizenship, and responsible design.

Learn more about the ZEDD program: https://www.energy.gov/eere/buildings/us-doe-zero-energy-design-designation-programs