MJ Shin Wins Steinbright Co-op Award  

5/7/2021 2:17:00 PM

Drexel  undergraduate Interior Design student MyeongJu (MJ) Shin was recognized with a 2021 Cooperative Education Award, given annually by the Steinbright Center These awards are given to students, employers, and faculty for outstanding work in the cooperative education program. The Center remarked, “In a year marked with unprecedented hardships, we are filled with pride by the excellence and resilience of our community, and we applaud the success of all the participants who make Drexel Co-op a leader of experiential education.”  

For his co-op, MJ worked at Princeton University for the Office of Capital Projects, who noted: “He used his design skill to create space plans for uniquely challenging projects, including turning a single-occupant office into a space that functioned for two or more employees. Putting in extra time and effort into all of his work, he would provide multiple solutions to problems, all of which satisfied criteria in an impressive manner. His work ethic and value as an original thinker attributed success to his team that was noticed by everyone who worked with him. Link to video recognition