Lindsay Bedford Receives Mural Arts Fellowship  

5/26/2021 2:17:00 PM

Lindsay Bedford, 3rd year grad interiors  studenthas been chosen as one of twenty artists in the Philadelphia area to join the 2021 Fellowship for Black Artists with Mural Arts Philadelphia. Fellows will be offered exciting virtual opportunities through Mural Arts Philadelphia and fellowship sponsor TD Bank. They also receive a $2000 stipend and various learning and networking opportunities throughout the duration of the program.   

Lindsay was awarded the fellowship for her work as a spatial storyteller, communications strategist, and an agent of change in her community. Lindsay graduates from Drexel University with a Master of Science in Interior Architecture & Design, and she is passionate about the power of design to spark change in our communities. This belief influenced her graduate thesis, where she explored the role of the museum in the 21st century and how design can be utilized to create a more equitable and culturally responsive art museum, specifically in underserved communities in Philadelphia. By using design to strengthen focus on the visitor and experiences of access and equity, the museum becomes an archive of communal identity.