Pooja  Kalavagunta  Places 2nd  in International Covid Response Design Competition  

6/29/2020 10:06:00 AM

Congratulations to Interior Architecture student Pooja Kalavagunta for placing second in the international 2020 COVID Response Design Competition sponsored by HiveKraft.

Participants were tasked with designing a space that catered to either public, commercial, or hospitality sectors that addressed issues of health and safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Jury, comprised of well-known architects and designers from India, selected the best work from 600 entries.   


Pooja's entry, submitted in collaboration with an architectural colleague, was entitled The Bubble. As noted in the team's design statement, "The Bubble is a spatial nexus that facilitates smooth transitioning into the new normal and offers safe space to reconnect with nature. The team created a public space with multilevel platforms as a physical manifestation of one’s social bubble informed by social distancing requirements. This space was designed to incorporate a variety of functions and be adaptable to the needs of the post-pandemic world. Download the competition submission to see more.