Design & Science Exhibition Features Drexel Interiors Faculty and Students 

2/13/2020 2:25:00 PM

Professors Dee Nicholas and Nicole Koltick had work featured in an exhibition at the Esther Klein Gallery curated by Professor Leslie Atzmon of Eastern Michigan University. The show, “Design and Science,” investigates disciplinary connections through biodesign projectswork that presents “pictures” of data about natural systems, or merges design and science through 2-D and 3-D “thinking” models. This growing area of inquiry reflects current work by Koltick’s Design Futures Lab and the exhibition included projects by current and former students in lab such as Uk Jung and interiors thesis student Neha Basavaraj, alongside projects by Mitchell Joachim and Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg.


For more information, please see the full catalog of the exhibition.