
  • Gensler Brinkmann Scholarship Awarded to Justin Lee

    March 20, 2019

    Interior Design Junior, Justin Lee was awarded second place in the national Gensler Brinkmann Scholarship competition. The Gensler Brinkmann Scholarship awards students who are enrolled in U.S. not-for-profit CIDA-accredited interior design programs with scholarships and summer internships. Justin submitted his commercial studio project in which he designed a co-working and office environment immersed with VR, AI and MR technology. 

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  • 2019 Charrette: Re-Imagining Streets as Pedestrian Spaces

    3/11/2019 6:04:12 PM

    Over the past several years, the Department of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism and the Department of Design have hosted a series of weekend charrettes aimed at engaging students with the ways in which design can address both public space and community dynamics at a both local and global scales. This year, the Interdisciplinary Design Charrette, set to take place on April 12-15, 2019, will be led by Lim Hyeung-Nam and Roh Eun-Joo, partners in the award-winning design firm studio GAON.

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  • Winners of the HOK Challenge and Interior Design faculty

    Interior Design Students Sweep HOK Competition

    March 01, 2019

    Westphal Interior Design student teams swept the awards in the third annual HOK Philadelphia Futures Design Competition in Interior Design. Two-person student teams from area Architecture and Interior Design programs competed for internships and cash prizes. First Place, including a $6,000 prize and 3-month internships went to Leah Stoner and Taylor Regester (3rd year grads); Second Place, with a $4,000 prize went to Justin Lee and Eunbi Kim (junior and 3rd year grad); Third Place, with a $2,000 prize went to Kristianne Simeon and Aishwarya Gunta (2nd year grads). This is the third year of the event, and Westphal students have taken first place all three years.

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