Drexel Interior Design Named Among Best in U.S.

9/1/2018 10:51:00 AM

Houzz, the platform where people plan and help find people to complete home design projects, recently acquired IvyMark, which offers a set of business management tools and a community platform for interior designers and home design firms. In supporting design professionals with the technology and business resources they need to thrive, Ivy has developed a list of the top interior design programs in the U.S. 

In their recent rankings of the Top 10 Interior Design SchoolsIvy lists the program at Drexel University, noting “a core of interior design courses creates a unique education at the forefront of design. Drexel’s Westphal College offers an impressive range of degree options; 19 in the undergraduate program alone. Building on a solid foundation of visual studies, Westphal inspires a sense of experimentation and expansion of visual horizons.” These programs are housed in the URBN Center, an acclaimed building closely linked to Philadelphia’s design community.