Interior Design

5/27/2014 12:00:00 AM

On Thursday, June 12, the undergraduate Interior Design senior show will take place in the URBN Center Lobby (3501 Market Street) from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Open to the public and professional guests, the show will exemplify a high caliber of imagination, visual organization, and professional knowledge demonstrated in a wide range of projects, from purely conceptual and fine arts-related work, including photography, painting and sculpture, to designs for commercial and residential applications. Many graduating seniors will display their Senior Capstone Projects, 3-term projects demonstrating research and design development. The show is being produced and funded entirely by students in the Drexel Interiors Group (DIG).

In addition, there will be a slide show on the Lobby big screen of student accomplishments and activities, including co-op panel and study-aboard experiences. As part of the evening festivities, interior design faculty will confer awards on six graduating seniors, and distinguished alumna Floss Barber, the principal of the highly successful design firm Floss Barber Inc., will present the third annual FJB award. Click here to learn more about the Interior Design program.