Sustainability Minor

December 05, 2011

Sustainability in the Built Environment

The Department of Architecture + Interiors has launched the new minor Sustainability in the Built Environment. This 24-credit course of study will provide students with a broad overview and a rigorous conceptual tool kit to engage and grapple with the future challenges of the built environment. An emphasis on systems thinking and a collaborative approach to problem solving are central components of the minor. Both non-design and design students will be exposed to a versatile and transferable knowledge environment and learning skills that can effectively be translated to the professional sector.

The minor is open to all students from the Westphal College and throughout the University. Required courses include Sustainable Design: History and Theory; Sustainable Built Environment I & II; Collaborative Research in Sustainability; and electives from both the Westphal College and the College of Arts & Sciences. Students enrolled in the minor will have opportunities to work on interdisciplinary collaborations including Drexel’s Smart House, community engagement design electives such as McMichael School, Mantua Community design build projects and other projects related to urban sustainability.

Interested students are encouraged to attend an informational meeting that will be held at the beginning of Winter Quarter. For more information please contact Professor Debra Ruben, the program’s coordinator.