Headshot of Joseph Gregory smiling
Joseph Gregory, PhD
Associate Professor, Art History



Academic Building, 109B

Joseph Gregory is an art historian who teaches in the Art & Art History Department of Westphal College, Drexel University. He served as Pearlstein Gallery director from 2000-2005, Department Head from 2005-2015, and also previously served as Art History Program Director. He currently teaches courses in the European tradition to undergraduates from across the University.

PhD in the History of Art, Binghamton University.

Selected Publications/Exhibitions:

• “Reframing an Icon: Leonardo’s Paris Virgin of the Rocks and the Economy of Salvation.” Artibus et Historiae, 2020, no.82, 25-73.
• Half the Sky: Women in the New Art of China, co-curator and director, in collaboration with the National Art Museum of China, Drexel University, September 23 – November 12, 2011.
• Ni Una Mas, and ARTMARCH, co-curator and director, Drexel University, May 15- July 16, 2010.
• Ink Not Ink, contemporary Chinese ink painting, co-director, in collaboration with the Shenzhen Art Museum and the Ministry of Culture, PR of China, Drexel University, April-May, 2009.
• Contemporization as Polemical Device in Pieter Bruegel’s Biblical Narratives. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.
• “Dangerous Curves: Politics and Poetry in the Work of Blaise Tobia.” Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, 31.3 November/December, 2003, 9-11.
• “Toward the Contextualization of Pieter Bruegel’s Procession to Calvary: Constructing the Beholder from within the Eyckian Tradition.” Nederlands Kunsthistorish Jaarboek, Winter, 1997, 47, 206-22.

My primary area of research is the European tradition. My interests have recently involved a close study of the art and thought of Leonardo da Vinci, but more generally encompass the Italian as well as Northern Renaissance. My long term interests involve an interdisciplinary understanding of the development of European culture from ancient times to modern in terms of the metaphysical commitments of its science, philosophy, and art.