Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo - Drexel University Associate Clinical Professor for MS in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum: Advanced Studies
Clinical Professor

Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo, EdD


EdD, MS Ed, University of Pennsylvania
BS Ed West Chester University

Program Affiliation

BS in Education and Special Education
MS in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum


  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Adams, J., Kemery, D., Provinzano, K., & May, T. (2022). We are all in this together: Remote teaching and learning self-efficacy during COVID-19. In Karpava, S. Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education. IGI Education. (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2022). West Philadelphia Sesame Street in Communities Project. Sesame Street in Communities/Action for Early Learning Technical Report.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Kemery, D., May, T., Adams, J., & Provinzano, K. (2022). It's a heavy lift: How university faculty and students experienced emergency remote teaching during COVID-19. Journal of Educators Online, 19(1). (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Adams, J., Kemery, D., Provinzano, K., May, T. (2020). Moving to Online and Remote Teaching and Learning in Spring 2020: Faculty and Student Experiences. Drexel University Faculty Senate Technical Report.
  • Pittman, J., Severino, L., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., & Kiosoglous, C. (2020). An action research case study: Digital equity and educational Inclusion during an emergent COVID-19 Ddvide. Journal for Multicultural Education. (peer reviewed)
  • Meloche, A., Lee, V. J., Grant, A., Neuman, D., & DeCarlo, M. J. T. (2020). Critical literacy as a lens for students’ evaluation of sources in an AP World History class. The Social Studies, 1-16. (peer reviewed)
  • Neuman, D., Grant, A., Lee, V. and Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2020) Fostering information competence in a high-poverty urban school: An I-LEARN project. In Mardis, M. & Oberg, D. Social Justice and Cultural Competency. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited. pp.116-126. (invited chapter)
  • Neuman, D., Tecce De Carlo, M.J., Lee, V., Greenwell, S., and Grant, A. (2019). Learning in information-rich environments: I-LEARN and the construction of knowledge from information. Springer Science & Business Media. 
  • Lee, V. J., Meloche, A., Grant, A., Neuman, D., & Tecce DeCarlo, M. J. (2019). "My Thoughts on Gun Violence": An Urban Adolescent's Display of Agency and Multimodal Literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 63(2), 157. doi:10.1002/jaal.944
  • Severino, L., Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Sondergeld, T., Izzetoglu, M., & Ammar, A. (2018). A Validation Study of a Middle Grades Reading Comprehension Assessment. RMLE Online, 41(10), 1-16. (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Grant, A., Lee, V. J., & Neuman, D. (2018). Information and Digital Literacies in a Kindergarten Classroom: An I-LEARN Case Study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(3), 265-275. (peer reviewed)
  • Lee, V., Grant, A., Neuman, D., & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2017). Using I-LEARN to foster the information and digital literacies of middle school students. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 481-489). New York: Springer. (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Klem, A.M., & Walker, M. (2016). Action for Early Learning: A Research-Practice, Place-Based Partnership. In Reardon, M. & Leonard, J. Exploring the Community Impact of Research-Practice Partnerships in Education (pp.171-197). IAP. (peer reviewed)
  • Lee, V., Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Grant, A., Neuman, D. (2016). A collaborative I-LEARN project with kindergarten and second-grade teachers and students at a University-Assisted school. Urban Education. Sage. (peer reviewed)
  • Neuman, D., Lee, V., DeCarlo, M.J., & Grant, A. (2015). Implementing I-LEARN in a High-Poverty Urban School. In Bracey, P. and Rawson, C. Libraries, Literacy, and African American Youth: Research & Practice. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited. (invited chapter)
  • Severino, L., & DeCarlo, M. J. T. (2017). Evaluating the “Flipped” Face to Face Classroom and the Online Classroom in Teacher Education. In Flipped Instruction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (pp. 296-318). IGI Global. (peer reviewed)
  • Richardson, R., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Connell, J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Wallace, B. (2015). Partnering with a Promise Academy: the McMichael - Drexel -Mantua Civic Association. In Slater, J., Ravid, R.M. & Reardon, R.M. Building and Maintaining Collaborative Communities: Schools, University, and Community Organizations. New York: Routledge.
  • Neuman, D., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2014). Information and digital literacy in a high-poverty urban school. School Libraries Worldwide. 21(1), 38-53. (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2014). I-LEARN: Helping young children become information literate. Communications in Computer and Information Science (0492) 243-252. New York: Springer. (peer reviewed)
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (1994). Communicative functions of speech in a monolingual kindergarten. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, (10)1, 22-31.


  • Meloche, A., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2019, April 5-9). Using Digital Rhetoric to Make a Difference: Assessment of an Urban Youth's Digital Composition. Roundtable presented at the American Educational Research Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Sondergeld, T., Severino, L., Izzetoglu, M., & Ammar, A. (2019, April 5-9). A Validation Study of an Adolescent Technology-Based Reading Comprehension Assessment. Roundtable presented at the American Educational Research Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., Meloche, A., Neuman, D. (2018, November 8-10). Using I-LEARN to Support Inquiry Learning in K-8 Urban Settings. Paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Education. Nassau, Bahamas.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. & Meloche, A. (2018, March 16-18). Digital and Information Literacy as Enacted in an Urban Middle School. Paper presented at Pennsylvania Conference of the National Association on Multicultural Education.
  • Severino, L., Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., Sondergeld, T., Izzetoglu, M., & Ammar, A. (October 19-20, 2017). Developing a Reading Comprehension Assessment for Progress Monitoring: Looking for Validity in a Measure. Panel presented at International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Baltimore, MD.
  • Lee, V & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J (2017, July 14-17). Teaching Young Children How to Be Information and Digitally Literate Using the I-LEARN Model and Little Bird Tales. Paper presented at International Literacy Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2017, April 27-May 1). Bridging the Information and Digital Literacy Divide: An I-LEARN Project with Urban Middle School Students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Klem, A.M., & Walker, M. (2017, April 27-May 1). How Can a University and a Community Collaborate to Create Early Learning Opportunities for Children in a Promise Zone: The AFEL Approach. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Severino, L. & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2016, December 20). Exploring the Flipped Classroom with Pre-Service Teachers. Paper presented at Pennsylvania /Delaware/New Jersey Distance Learning Association, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Lee, V., Grant, A., & Neuman, D., & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2016, October 10-13). Using I-LEARN to foster the information and digital literacies of middle school students. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Izzetoglou, M., Severino, L., & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2016, October 13-15). Brain Based Assessment of Reading Skills in Adolescent Students using fNIRS. Poster presented at The Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Biannual Meeting, Paris, France.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Severino, L., & Abernethy, R. (2016, April 29). The Effects of Instructional Delivery on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Knowledge of Literacy. Paper presented at National Student Teaching and Supervision Conference, West Chester, PA.
  • Lee, V. & Tecce DeCarlo, M.J. (2015, December 2-5). Building on the Funds of Knowledge of Urban Kindergarten Students to Develop Information and Digital Literacies Through I-LEARN. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association Conference, Carlsbad, California.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J, & Severino, L. (2015, May 11). Increasing Pre-Service Teachers' Literacy Instruction Skills and Self-Efficacy Through a Field-Based Flipped Course. Poster presented at Drexel University Showcase of Teaching, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2015, April 16-20). Increasing the information and digital literacies of kindergarten and second-grade urban teachers and students: An I-LEARN project. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2015, January 4-8). Information Literacy in the Kindergarten Classroom: An I-LEARN Case Study. Paper presented at the Hawaiian International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Grant, A., Lee, V., & Neuman, D. (2014, October 20-23). I-LEARN: Helping young children become information literate. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J, Severino, L., & Zeitz, S. (2014, October 2-3). Using a Flipped-hybrid Classroom for Field Experience of Preservice Teachers. Roundtable presented at the International Conference On Learning Disabilities. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Tecce DeCarlo, M.J, DePew, D, & Zimmerman, J. (2014, April 15). What We Have Learned Teaching Online. Roundtable presented at Drexel University Showcase of Teaching, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Severino, L., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Izzetoglu, M., Peluso, A., & Miller, S. (2013, October 18). Using Adolescent Comprehension Evaluation (ACE) and the fNIRs to Determine Reading Comprehension Levels for 6th – 12th Grade Students. Presentation at Council for Education Diagnostics Services, Weehawken, New Jersey.
  • Grant, A., Neumann, D., Tecce DeCarlo, M. J., & Lee, V. (2012, June 8). Urban Change: Navigating Complex Challenges to Build an Effective University-School Partnership. Open Forum presented at Urban Systems Conference: Urban Change through Education, Health, and Environment, Newark, New Jersey.

Patent Application

  • Severino, L., Tecce DeCarlo, M.J., Izzetoglou, M., Otti, O., Miller, S., Peluso, A. (2015). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/884, 802 . Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

  • Early Literacy Development
  • Digital and Information Literacy
  • Learning Differences
  • Knowledge Construction
  • Urban Education
  • School of Education, Drexel University (2010-present)
  • Montgomery County Community College (2010)
  • Temple University (2008-2010)
  • School District of Cheltenham Township (1990-2007)
  • Archdiocese of Philadelphia (1989-90)

Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo, EdD is a Clinical Professor of Literacy Studies at Drexel University. Dr. DeCarlo designs and teaches courses in the Teacher Education Program and the Special Education program. She earned her EdD in Reading, Writing and Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania. During her nearly 30 years in education, Dr. DeCarlo has been a classroom teacher, a curriculum leader and a college professor. At Drexel she has focuses her research on reading comprehension, teacher education, challenges regarding reading and writing instruction for delayed readers and writers, and the development of information and digital literacy skills for learners K- 12.

Dr. DeCarlo is working with colleagues in education and biomedical engineering to create ACE (Adolescent Comprehension Evaluation), a digital reading comprehension tool. ACE uses brain-imaging techniques to validate that its test questions are text-based and has created a novel approach to measuring student progress. The research team has received $200,000 in research grants to support its development and pilot testing and has filed for a patent on this innovative approach to test validation. Dr. DeCarlo also does research in the areas of information and digital literacy. She has created collaborative research projects with elementary, middle school, and high school classroom teachers and a group of Drexel University researchers around the I-LEARN model created by Dr. Delia Neuman.