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Discovery Day (Research Day)

Discovery Day 2024
Thursday, November 7

Please join us at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Center City for our annual day of research!

Doctoral and master's students, medical students, MD/PhD students, undergraduate, residents, clinical fellows and postdoctoral trainees from the Drexel University College of Medicine community will present their research.

The event will feature posters and platform presentations on biomedical science and clinical research topics. Presentations will be judged for awards across several categories.

View Discovery Day 2023 Photo Gallery on Facebook

A participant presents her research to a judge at Discovery Day

Important Discovery Day 2024 Dates:

  • Abstract submissions open: August 1, 2024
  • Deadline for platform abstract submissions: Closed
  • Deadline for poster abstract submissions: Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Upload poster pdf to Fourwaves: October 21, 2024


Discovery Day 2024 will take place in the Pennsylvania Convention Center’s Terrace Ballrooms, located within walking distance of New College Building in Center City. Presenters, judges and guests will enter on N. Broad Street between Race and Arch Streets.

“A Grand Tradition:” Discovery Day’s Storied Past, Bright Future

For many years, Hahnemann University held Grad School Day, an opportunity for biomedical graduate students to share their research with their peers. Elizabeth Blankenhorn, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology, has fond memories of the event’s earlier days, which included a day of graduate student research presentations at Hahnemann University followed by an elegant evening celebration at the Franklin Institute. She describes Grad School Day as “a grand tradition.” Read more.

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