Symposium to Address Treatment and Prevention of Infectious, Inflammatory and Oncogenic Disease

June 5, 2014

2014 International Symposium on Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease

Drexel University College of Medicine is once again pleased to host some of the world's top research scientists during the 2014 International Symposium on Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease. The symposium will take place June 16 – 20 in the New College Building, Geary Auditorium B (15th & Race Streets).

Presentations will highlight ongoing investigations in the areas of immunology, inflammation, and autoimmunity; microbial pathogenesis and vaccines; cancer biology and neoplastic disease; spinal cord and traumatic brain injury; and HIV CNS disease, reservoirs, and eradication.

In addition, Drexel University College of Medicine will award five prizes for scientific excellence in immunology, infectious disease, cancer biology, translational research, and neurovirology to eminent scientists in these fields. Each day of the symposium will feature an hour-long address by a prize recipient. The awardees are as follows:

Drexel Prize in Immunology (June 16)
Charles A. Dinarello, MD, professor of medicine and immunology, University of Colorado School of Medicine; professor of experimental medicine, Raboud University

Drexel Prize in Infectious Disease (June 17)
Claire M. Fraser, PhD, professor of medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine; director, Institute for Genome Sciences

Drexel Prize in Cancer Biology (June 18)
Craig Thompson, MD, president and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Drexel Prize in Translational Research (June 19)
W. Dalton Dietrich, PhD, scientific director, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis; Kinetic Concepts Distinguished Chair in Neurosurgery, senior associate dean for discovery science, and professor of neurological surgery, neurology and cell biology and anatomy, University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Lois Pope LIFE Center

Hilary Koprowski Prize in Neurovirology (June 20)
Donald H. Gilden, MD, Louise Baum Endowed Chair and Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine

This is the third year for the symposium, which is spearheaded by Brian Wigdahl, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology and director of the Drexel University College of Medicine Institute for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease.

Sessions on Friday, June 20th, which will focus on HIV CNS Disease, Reservoirs, and Eradication, will be co-sponsored by the Temple/Drexel Comprehensive NeuroAIDS Center (CNAC) and the Temple/Drexel T32 Interdisciplinary and Translational Research Training Program in NeuroAIDS. Both CNAC and the T32 Training Program are funded by the National Institute of Mental Health at the National Institutes of Health.

For the full agenda, please visit the Institute's web page, where you may also register for the event.

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