Recapping the 10th SALURBAL Team Meeting in Mexico City
November 4, 2024
About 70 members of the SALURBAL-Climate team, representing 8 countries and 12 educational and research institutions, came together from October 15th to 18th, 2024 at La Casa de la Universidad de California in Mexico City to share updates from the project’s first phase and outline the roadmap for year two.
Since 2017, the SALURBAL network—Salud Urbana en América Latina or Urban Health in Latin America Project—has convened interdisciplinary experts and institutions across Latin America to study the connections between urban environments, urban health and health equity in cities across the region.
This new cycle of SALURBAL, Climate Change and Urban Health in Latin America (or SALURBAL-Climate), seeks to document the health and equity impacts of climate change exposures such as extreme temperatures and meteorological events, drought, floods, and air pollution. With the project’s expanding focus on climate, the meeting allowed the team members to share updates, explore new ideas, and define priorities for the project's second year.
During the week, participants were also invited to participate in three hands-on workshops:
- Research Translation (a collaboration with the Drexel Climate Change and Urban Health Research Center, or CCUH)
- Data & Methods Workshop: advanced analysis of climate health impacts (also organized with the Drexel CCUH)
- HIA Workshop: Health Impact Assessment methodologies and procedures
To close the event, the 2024-2026 cohort of “SALURBAL-Climate Fellows” were recognized. As part of this fellowship program, trainees from diverse backgrounds in the Latin America region receive supplemental funding to advance their careers in climate change and urban health research. In addition, the "Making the Impossible, Possible" recognition was awarded to team members who stand out for their work and dedication.
SALURBAL-Climate is funded by the Wellcome Trust. Partner institutions include:
- Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
- Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico City, Mexico
- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), Guatemala City, Guatemala
- University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
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Drexel CCUH-Supported Workshops at SALURBAL-Climate Team Meeting in Mexico
Members of the Drexel Climate Change and Urban Health Research Center (CCUH) recently coordinated two workshops that equipped 45 participants with valuable skills and knowledge to advance their research and advocacy. The workshops were held during the SALURBAL-Climate team meeting, which took place in Mexico City in October 2024.
Research Translation Workshop
This workshop, “Strategies for effective dissemination, engagement, and tracking,” was designed to provide participants with theoretical background and practical tools for communicating research findings on the connections between climate change and health to non-academic audiences.
Before the workshop, participants reviewed a SALURBAL publication examining the intersection of climate change and urban public health. An opening session overviewed the international and regional climate and health policy context and explored the role of research in supporting advocacy. Participants reflected on strategies for identifying and maintaining key partnerships, adapting to diverse contexts, and responding to evidence needs and windows of opportunity. A series of small group exercises focused on adjusting format and framing techniques to share key findings with different audiences. A mock interview allowed participants to practice strategies for communicating with the media.
Participants also received a step-by-step guide to support planning for a specific communications or dissemination product or activity.
Workshop organizers and facilitators: Elizabeth Cardona and Mónica Mazariegos (Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá, INCAP); Mariana Lazo, Carolina Rendón, Katy Indvik (Drexel University); Donny Pasos (Universidad de los Andes)
Data & Methods Workshop: Advanced analysis of climate health impacts
This workshop trained participants in the use of analytical models to examine the relationship between climate and health. The instructors focused on three specific analytical approaches: conditional Poisson regression models, case-time series, and effects of discrete events. The goal was to ensure that participants understood the assumptions and limitations of each model, knew when to apply them effectively, and learned how to implement them using R. These skills will support ongoing exploration of the health impacts of climate change in urban areas within the context of SALURBAL-Climate and the Drexel CCUH research projects, as well as additional projects and proposals developed by participants.
The workshop consisted of introductory talks, code examples, and hands-on exercises. Participants were encouraged to bring their own data if they wanted assistance in applying specific methods. A recording of the workshop lecture will be available on the YouTube channels of CCUH and SALURBAL-Climate.
Workshop organizers and facilitators: Brisa Sanchez, Derek Weix, Josiah Kephart, Usama Bilal, Ana Diez Roux (Drexel University).