Tips for Requesting and Receiving Religious Accommodations

Below are some tips to help guide you through the process of requesting or providing religious accommodations.


  • Review the syllabus at the beginning of each term for conflicts between religious observances and course meetings / deliverables.
  • Immediately inform the instructor of any conflicts and be prepared to provide them with information requested to understand the basis for the requested accommodation.
  • This is a mutual process. You and your instructor should agree to the reasonable accommodations.
  • If you and the instructor are unable to agree, you may appeal to the dean of your college or school.
  • Consult with the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture (EIC) at any point in the process.


  • In the course syllabus, remember to include key dates, including course meetings, the examination schedule, and due dates for written or oral assignments.
  • Engage in a mutual process with the student to agree on reasonable accommodations.
  • Students should be able to participate fully in educational activities while also observing religious obligations.
  • You may request more information about the student's request for religious accommodations, but do not pass judgment on the student's religious faith or question the sincerity of their beliefs.
  • Consult with EIC at any point in the process.


  • Immediately inform your supervisor of any conflicts and be prepared to provide them with information requested to understand the basis for the requested accommodation.
  • Faculty members who must reschedule course meetings due to religious observance should coordinate with their Department Head and the Office of the Registrar.
  • This is a mutual process. You and your supervisor should agree to the reasonable accommodations.
  • If you and your supervisor are unable to agree, contact your Human Resources Business Partner.
  • Consult with EIC at any point in the process.


  • Engage in a mutual process with your supervisee to agree on reasonable accommodations.
  • Faculty, professional staff, and other employees should be able to participate fully in workplace activities while also observing religious obligations.
  • You may request more information about the employee's request for religious accommodations, but do not pass judgment on the employee's religious faith or question the sincerity of their beliefs.
  • Consult with your Human Resources Business Partner and/or EIC at any point in the process.

Individuals who believe they have experienced religious discrimination or harassment may report it to EIC.

EIC can also provide information and resources before an accommodation is requested, during the process of negotiating, or after a request is denied.

Requesting and Providing Religious Accommodations
