Two Drexel University mechanical engineers have received a grant from the
Office of Naval Research to help develop advanced underwater robots
inspired by marine mammals. The project, led by Professor Megan Leftwich of
The George Washington University, aims to understand how seals and sea
lions swim through challenging surf zones and apply those insights to
unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
James Tangorra, PhD
, professor of mechanical engineering and mechanics, and
Harry Kwatny, PhD
, professor emeritus, will serve as co-principal investigators on
the project titled "Unmanned biorobotic systems in high energy
environments: Biologic to Robotic navigation through, and transitions from,
the littoral zone."
The research focuses on studying how pinnipeds (seals and sea lions)
navigate through surf zones and adapting these principles to create highly
maneuverable underwater vehicles. Building on his
previous research in bio-inspired underwater vehicles
, Tangorra and a graduate student will investigate the biomechanics of how
these marine mammals use their bodies and flippers to swim in turbulent
waters. They will also develop and test robotic prototypes based on their
Kwatny will contribute his expertise in control systems, working on the
sensing and control approaches needed for the robotic vehicles to execute
biological-inspired swimming movements. The team will conduct testing both
in laboratory pools and in open water environments, including planned
trials at the Naval Surface Warfare Center's Maneuvering and Sea Keeping
The collaboration combines GWU's expertise in fluid dynamics with Drexel's
strengths in biomechanics and control systems. By studying how marine
mammals have evolved to swim in challenging conditions, the team aims to
create underwater vehicles that can operate with similar capabilities. The
three-year project will run through July 2027 and has potential
applications for naval operations, underwater exploration, and marine
research requiring vehicles that can navigate complex near-shore