A Revolutionary Charge

Vibha Kalra, PhD holds bag of new ion
Vibha Kalra, PhD

America’s growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) has shed light on the significant challenge of sustainably sourcing the battery technology necessary for the broad shift to renewable electric and away from fossil fuels. In hopes of making batteries that not only perform better than those currently used in EVs, but also are made from readily available materials, a group of Drexel University chemical engineers have found a way to introduce sulfur into lithium-ion batteries — with astounding results.

With global sales of EVs more than doubling in 2021, prices of battery materials like lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt surged and supply chains for these raw materials, most of which are sourced from other countries, became bottlenecked due to the pandemic. This also focused attention on the primary providers of the raw materials: countries like Congo and China; and raised questions about the human and environmental impact of extracting them from the earth.

Even before supply and demand threw battery materials sourcing into chaos, the industry had been chasing a potential solution: sulfur. The element’s natural abundance and chemical structure allow batteries to store more energy and could be an environmental and commercial windfall. A recent breakthrough by researchers in Drexel Engineering, published in Communications Chemistry, provides a way to sidestep the obstacles that have subdued lithium- sulfur (Li-S) batteries in the past, finally pulling the sought-after technology within commercial reach.

Their discovery is a new way of producing and stabilizing a rare form of sulfur that functions in carbonate electrolyte — the energy-transport liquid used in commercial Li-ion batteries. This development would not only make Li-S batteries commercially viable, but they would have three times the capacity of Li-ion batteries and last more than 4,000 recharges — the equivalent of 10 years of use, which is also a substantial improvement.

“Sulfur has been highly desirable for use in batteries for a number of years because it is earth-abundant and can be collected in a way that is safe and environmentally friendly. And as we have now demonstrated, it also has the potential to improve the performance of batteries in electric vehicles and mobile devices in a commercially viable way,” said Vibha Kalra, PhD , George B. Francis Chair professor in the College’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and one of the lead researchers on the project.

“At first, it was hard to believe that this is what we were detecting,” said Rahul Pai, a doctoral student in the chemical and biological engineering and coauthor of the research. “In the last century there have only been a handful of studies that produced monoclinic gamma sulfur and it has only been stable for 20-30 minutes at most. But we had created it in a cathode that was undergoing thousands of charge-discharge cycles without diminished performance.”

After more than a year of testing, the sulfur cathode remains stable and, as the team reported, its performance has not degraded in 4,000 charge-discharge cycles, which is equivalent to 10 years of regular use. And, as predicted, the battery’s capacity is more than three-fold that of a Li-ion battery.

“While we are still working to understand the exact mechanism behind the creation of this stable monoclinic sulfur at room temperature, this remains an exciting discovery and one that could open a number of doors for developing more sustainable and affordable battery technology,” Kalra said.

Replacing the cathode in Li-ion batteries with a sulfur one would alleviate the need for sourcing cobalt, nickel and manganese. Supplies of these raw materials are limited and not easily extracted without causing health and environmental hazards. Sulfur, on the other hand is found everywhere in the world and exists in vast quantities in the United States because it is a waste product of petroleum production.

Kalra suggests that having a stable sulfur cathode that functions in carbonate electrolyte, will also allow researchers to move forward in examining replacements for the lithium anode — which could include more earth-abundant options, like sodium.

“Getting away from a dependence on lithium and other materials that are expensive and difficult to extract from the earth is a vital step for the development of batteries and expanding our ability to use renewable energy sources,” Kalra said. “Developing a viable Li-S battery opens a number of pathways to replacing these materials.”

In addition to Kalra and Pai, Maureen Tang, PhD , an associate professor, and Arvinder Singh, PhD, who was a postdoctoral researcher, all in Drexel Engineering’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, are contributing to this research. It is supported by the Drexel Ventures Innovation Fund and the National Science Foundation.

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