UHC Hosted Scholars from Latin America and Europe
December 18, 2018
The Urban Health Collaborative (UHC) at the School of Public Health hosted a group of visiting scholars from Latin America and Europe for the Fall 2018 term. The group came to the UHC to either further their research with Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL) or advance other projects with the support of UHC researchers.
Julia Diez Escudero, BDc, MSc, is a researcher from the Surgery, Medical and Social Sciences department of Universidad de Alcalá in Madrid, Spain (pictured left).
Nelson da Cruz Gouveia, MD, PhD, MSc, is an associate professor in the Departamento de Medicina Preventiva at the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade de São Paulo (pictured center). He is the vice-president of ABRASCO (The Brazilian Association of Collective Health) and a member of its Thematic Group on Health and the Environment. His research focuses on environmental health, with a focus on air pollution, electromagnetic fields, chemical exposures, water pollution and geographic information systems.
Camilia Teixeira Vez, MSc, is an assistant professor of physiotherapy and a current doctoral student in public health (pictured right). For her thesis, Vez is conducting analyses using data from the Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL) project and is interested in multicentric studies.