Dornsife Welcomes Four New Members to Dean's Advisory Council

March 23, 2017

The Dornsife School of Public Health welcomes four new members to the Dean's Advisory Council. The DAC provides support to school leadership on enhancing and developing the school’s research, teaching and community partnerships.

One of the new members, Marian Wentworth, was recently appointed as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Management Sciences for Health (MSH), a 40-year-old global health nonprofit with offices and projects in almost 30 countries. With 25 years leading complex international public health initiatives at Merck & Co, Wentworth previously managed a portfolio of adult vaccines for shingles, influenza, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, and tetanus. She also led the global sales and marketing launch of the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil.

In addition to Wentworth, new Dean’s Advisory Council members include:

  • Beverly A. Collins, MD, MBA, MS, Vice President and Chief Quality Officer at Health Partners Plans, a health insurance organization serving more than 270,000 members in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
  • Madison Davidson, MPH ’15, Research Consultant, Federal Health and Human Services, The Lewin Group. Davidson will serve as the alternate alumni delegate to the DAC. She also serves on the board of the school’s Public Health Alumni Network (PHAN).
  • Jeannemarie (Jamie) Durocher, MPH ’13, Public Health Program Assistant Administrator in the Division of TB/STD, Bureau of Communicable Diseases, Pennsylvania Department of Health. Durocher serves as the council’s alumni delegate.